
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This is Living...

This morning Footloose came on the radio. As I listened to the upbeat music I glanced in my rear view mirror to see my son, in his newly acquired sunglasses

swaying back in forth with the music. As I watched him for a little bit my heart just swelled and I turned up the music a little louder and swayed back and forth with him. (I apologize profusely for anyone who had to see my corny dance routine!!)

No matter where we go, no matter what happens, I am happy now for the first time in a long time and THIS is living...


kbreints said...

YEAH! Love this post!

kbreints said...

oh yeah... and I must admit... the boys and I dance everytime we are in the car.. henry tell sme to 'turn it up mommy' and 'don't sing, this is my favorite one'...

OMH said...

That is too sweet! I love sharing music or anything else I love with a little one....refreshes my view on life. Their view is so innocent and opened to everything.

Jessica said...

Your happiness shows! It is just awesome to see how much lighter your steps are and the proccupied expressions lifted from you face!

Jennifer B said...

Yes! Time for the Flashdance song, "What a Feeling"!! Or "Freedom" by George Michael.

It only gets better!
