
Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Making Of Pizzas

First you take the dough (or in this case pre-made pillsburry buscuits) and you squish it...

Squish it...

Then you take the sauce and you spread it... spread it...

Then you take the peperoni and you eat it...

Oh wait... I mean put it on the pizzas....

Then you take the cheese and you top them... top them...

Then you take the pizzas and you bake them... bake them....


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Cute! Looks like he enjoyed it! We make homemade pizzas all the time here, but never thought abotu using busquits...

Courtney said...

yummy, those were my favorite growing up!

Courtney said...

yums, you're making me hungry.

Lauren said...

Cute cute cute! What a good mommy you are. Thanks for the pics

OMH said...

Too cute....my 3 year old grandson said of the last picture that looks like Mickey Mouse!
